About me

Hi folks, my name is Carlos and I’m R, bioinformatics and single-cell enthusiast! Since 2012, I have been working with microarray and RNA-seq data, but things started to get more intense when, in 2017, I started my PhD at the University of São Paulo in Department of Genetics in Ribeirão Preto Medica School. Since then I have been dedicating myself to single-cell analysis.

I’m currently as PhD Researcher Assistant at the Universität zu Köln working in Prof. Martin Peifer lab in the Department of Translational Genomics.

I have always kept in mind that good science is science that can be reproduced and shared. Based on this principle, I decided to create this blog to share good and bad experiences that I had and I am having during this journey as a bioinformatician. The main idea is to share solutions I found for the problems I had. I sincerely hope that this blog can help other people and also that it is a means of new connections with people in the bioinformatics field.

May the force be with you!


  • R
  • Single-cell
  • Bioinformatics
  • Unix
  • Docker
  • Python


  • MSc in Biotechnology, 2017

    São Paulo State University

  • Grad in Medical Physics, 2015

    São Paulo State University