## Loading R packages
########### Figure S1A ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/10x_Processed.rds")
Idents(data) <- factor(data$CellTypeRefined)
TSNEPlot(data, label = FALSE, pt.size = 0.3) +
xlab("t-SNE 1") + ylab("t-SNE 2") +
theme_classic() + labs(color = "Cluster") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
########### Figure S1B ###########
lfp <- log2(object@mc_fp)
marks_colors <- NULL
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Adipocyte_1", "Acsl1", "#0000b3", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Adipocyte_2", "Plin4", "#0000cc", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Adipocyte_3", "Mlxipl", "#0000e6", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Adipocyte_4", "Pck1", "#0000ff", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Adipocyte_5", "Adrb3", "#1a1aff", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Endothelial_1", "Btnl9", "#00cd00", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Endothelial_2", "Flt1", "#00b300", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Endothelial_3", "Kdr", "#009a00", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Endothelial_4", "Cdh13", "#008000", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Endothelial_5", "Cyyr1", "#006700", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Immune_1", "Zeb2", "#ff7f7f", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Immune_2", "Trps1", "#ff6666", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Immune_3", "Runx1", "#ff4c4c", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Immune_4", "Ptprc", "#ff3232", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Immune_5", "Adap2", "#ff1919", 1, 1))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Progenitor_1", "Dcn", "#ffff4d", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Progenitor_2", "Celf2", "#ffff33", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Progenitor_3", "Meg3", "#ffff1a", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Progenitor_4", "Col1a2", "#ffff00", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- rbind(marks_colors, c("Progenitor_5", "Col3a1", "#e6e600", 1, 2.5))
marks_colors <- as.data.frame(marks_colors)
colnames(marks_colors) <- c("group", "gene", "color", "priority", "T_fold")
marks_colors$priority <- as.integer(marks_colors$priority)
marks_colors$T_fold <- as.numeric(marks_colors$T_fold)
dims <- data.frame(x = object@sc_x,
y = object@sc_y)
tmp1 <- data.frame(cells = names(object@mc), cols = object@mc)
tmp2 <- data.frame(cols = object@colors)
teste <- merge(tmp1, tmp2, by.x = "cols", by.y = "row.names")
teste$cols <- NULL
teste$cellType <- ifelse(teste$cols.y %in% marks_colors$color[grep("Adipocyte", marks_colors$group)], "Adipocytes", "Unknown")
teste$cellType <- ifelse(teste$cols.y %in% marks_colors$color[grep("Progenitor", marks_colors$group)], "Progenitors", teste$cellType)
teste$cellType <- ifelse(teste$cols.y %in% marks_colors$color[grep("Immune", marks_colors$group)], "Immunes", teste$cellType)
teste$cellType <- ifelse(teste$cols.y %in% marks_colors$color[grep("Endothelial", marks_colors$group)], "Endothelials", teste$cellType)
tab <- merge(dims, teste, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "cells")
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/10x_Processed.rds")
Idents(data) <- factor(data$CellTypeRefined)
infos <- data@meta.data
infos <- infos[tab$Row.names, ]
final <- merge(infos, tab, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "Row.names")
A <- subset(final, cellType == "Adipocytes")
E <- subset(final, cellType == "Endothelials")
I <- subset(final, cellType == "Immunes")
P <- subset(final, cellType == "Progenitors")
new.cluster.ids <- c("PG", "PG", "PG", "EN", "IM", "PG", "PG", "IM", "AD", "IM", "EN", "IM", "IM", "IM", "EN", "EN", "PG")
names(new.cluster.ids) <- levels(data)
data <- RenameIdents(data, new.cluster.ids)
Idents(data) <- factor(Idents(data), levels = c("AD", "EN", "IM", "PG"))
cls <- c("#FFA500", "#329932", "#ff9999", "#6666ff")
TSNEPlot(data, label = FALSE, pt.size = 0.3, cols = cls) +
xlab("t-SNE 1") + ylab("t-SNE 2") +
theme_classic() + labs(color = "Cluster") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
a <- round((sum(Idents(data) == "AD")/ncol(data))*100, 2); a1 <- sum(Idents(data) == "AD")
b <- round((sum(Idents(data) == "EN")/ncol(data))*100, 2); b1 <- sum(Idents(data) == "EN")
c <- round((sum(Idents(data) == "IM")/ncol(data))*100, 2); c1 <- sum(Idents(data) == "IM")
d <- round((sum(Idents(data) == "PG")/ncol(data))*100, 2); d1 <- sum(Idents(data) == "PG")
df <- data.frame(
class = c("AD", "EN", "IM", "PG"),
n = c(a1, b1, c1, d1),
value = c(a, b, c, d)
df$class <- factor(df$class, levels = c("AD", "EN", "IM", "PG"))
df <- df %>%
arrange(desc(class)) %>%
mutate(lab.ypos = cumsum(value) - 0.5*value)
ggplot(df, aes(x = "", y = value, fill = class)) +
geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity", color = "white") +
coord_polar("y", start = 0)+
geom_text(aes(y = lab.ypos, label = paste0(value, "%")), color = "white", fontface = "bold")+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#FFA500", "#329932", "#ff9999", "#6666ff")) +
########### Figure S1C ###########
import warnings
from SCCAF import *
ad = sc.read("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/Adipocytes/results.h5ad")
y_prob, y_pred, y_test, clf, cvsm, acc = SCCAF_assessment(ad.X, ad.obs['L1_result'], n_jobs = 8)
aucs = plot_roc(y_prob, y_test, clf, cvsm = cvsm, acc = acc)
########### Figure S1D ###########
filelist <- list.files(path = "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/Adipocytes",
pattern = "sccaf_assess", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
fnames <- gsub("sccaf_assess_", "", basename(filelist))
fnames <- gsub(".txt", "", fnames)
datalist <- lapply(filelist, function(x)read.csv(x))
names(datalist) <- fnames
datafr <- do.call("rbind", datalist)
ggplot(datafr, aes(x = Round, y = Accuracy, fill = Type)) +
trim = FALSE,
position = position_dodge(0.9)
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#d20c0c", "#1111C9")) +
width = 0.05,
position = position_dodge(0.9), colour = "white", outlier.colour = NA, show.legend = FALSE
) +
xlab("") + ggtitle("Test and cross validation accurancies per SCCAF round.") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 0.5),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = c(0.9, 0.15), legend.title = element_blank())
########### Figure S1E ###########
scdb_init("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/metacell_SCT2/db", force_reinit = TRUE)
lfp <- log2(object@mc_fp)
mc <- scdb_mc("test_mc_f")
gset <- scdb_gset("test_markers")
gene_folds <- mc@mc_fp
good_marks <- intersect(names(gset@gene_set), rownames(mc@mc_fp))
mc_ord <- 1:ncol(mc@mc_fp)
mat <- log2(gene_folds[good_marks, mc_ord])
mat <- pmax(pmin(mat, 3), -3)
mat_A <- mat[, which(mc@colors == "blue")]
mat_A <- mat_A[rowSums(mat_A) > quantile(rowSums(mat_A), 0.9), ]
mat_E <- mat[, which(mc@colors == "green")]
mat_E <- mat_E[rowSums(mat_E) > quantile(rowSums(mat_E), 0.9), ]
mat_I <- mat[, which(mc@colors %in% c("#ff748c", "#ff8fa3"))]
mat_I <- mat_I[rowSums(mat_I) > quantile(rowSums(mat_I), 0.9), ]
mat_P <- mat[, which(mc@colors %in% c("#ffa500", "#ffb732"))]
mat_P <- mat_P[rowSums(mat_P) > quantile(rowSums(mat_P), 0.9), ]
pheatmap(mat_A, fontsize = 8, main = 'Adipocytes', legend = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0)
pheatmap(mat_E, fontsize = 8, main = 'Endothelials', legend = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0)
pheatmap(mat_I, fontsize = 8, main = 'Immunes', legend = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0)
pheatmap(mat_P, fontsize = 8, main = 'Progenitors', legend = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0)
########### Figure S1F ###########
dbs <- c("KEGG_2019_Mouse", "WikiPathways_2019_Mouse", "Jensen_TISSUES", "GO_Biological_Process_2018")
genes_A <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig1D_2_Markers_A.txt")
genes_E <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig1D_2_Markers_E.txt")
genes_I <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig1D_2_Markers_I.txt")
genes_P <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig1D_2_Markers_P.txt")
genes <- list(Adipocyte = genes_A,
Endothelial = genes_E,
Immune = genes_I,
Progenitor = genes_P)
results <- lapply(genes, enrichr, dbs)
plotlist <- list()
pathlist <- NULL
tmplist <- NULL
paths <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(dbs)) {
tmp <- lapply(results, `[[`, i)
tmp <- mapply(cbind, tmp, "type" = names(tmp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tmp <- do.call("rbind", tmp)
tmp <- subset(tmp, Adjusted.P.value < 0.05)
tmp$Adjusted.P.value <- -log10(tmp$Adjusted.P.value)
tmp$Combined.Score <- log2(tmp$Combined.Score)
tmplist <- rbind(tmplist, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
tmp <- tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 5, wt = Combined.Score)
tmp$Term <- factor(tmp$Term, levels = rev(unique(tmp$Term)))
pathlist <- rbind(pathlist, data.frame(tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 2, wt = Combined.Score), class = dbs[i]))
paths <- rbind(paths, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
plotlist[[i]] <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x = type, y = Term)) +
geom_point(aes(size = Adjusted.P.value, color = Combined.Score)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 9) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) +
scale_colour_gradient(limits = c(0, max(tmp$Combined.Score) + 0.5), high = "#2b9348", low = "#eeef20") +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
ggtitle(dbs[i]) + labs(color = "Combined Score", size = "-log10(padj)")
tmplist <- tmplist %>% group_by(type) %>% arrange(desc(Combined.Score), .by_group = TRUE)
ggarrange(plotlist = plotlist)
## Loading R packages
########### Figure S2A ###########
import warnings
from SCCAF import *
ad = sc.read("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results.h5ad")
y_prob, y_pred, y_test, clf, cvsm, acc = SCCAF_assessment(ad.X, ad.obs['L1_result'], n_jobs = 8)
aucs = plot_roc(y_prob, y_test, clf, cvsm = cvsm, acc = acc)
########### Figure S2B ###########
filelist <- list.files(path = "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly",
pattern = "sccaf_assess", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
fnames <- gsub("sccaf_assess_", "", basename(filelist))
fnames <- gsub(".txt", "", fnames)
datalist <- lapply(filelist, function(x)read.csv(x))
names(datalist) <- fnames
datafr <- do.call("rbind", datalist)
ggplot(datafr, aes(x = Round, y = Accuracy, fill = Type)) +
trim = FALSE,
position = position_dodge(0.9)
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#d20c0c", "#1111C9")) +
width = 0.05,
position = position_dodge(0.9), colour = "white", outlier.colour = NA, show.legend = FALSE
) +
xlab("") + ggtitle("Test and cross validation accurancies per SCCAF round.") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 0.5),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = c(0.9, 0.15), legend.title = element_blank())
########### Figure S2C ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
pt <- VlnPlot(data, c('Adipoq', 'Adrb3', 'Cidec', 'Dgat1', 'Fasn', 'Lipe', 'Pck1', 'Plin1', 'Pnpla2', 'Retn'),
cols = c("#11c78b", "#800080", "#e57400", "#0000FF", "#dfdf0d"), assay = "RNA", combine = FALSE)
pt <- lapply(pt, function(x) {
x + theme_bw(base_size = 9) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
figure <- ggarrange(plotlist = pt, nrow = 2, ncol = 5, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom")
annotate_figure(figure, left = text_grob("Expression Level", rot = 90))
########### Figure S2D ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
markers <- FindAllMarkers(data, logfc.threshold = 0, only.pos = FALSE)
markers_1 <- subset(markers, cluster == "Ad1")
mks_1 <- subset(markers_1, p_val_adj < 0.01)
mks_1 <- mks_1[order(mks_1$p_val_adj), ]
upGenes <- head(subset(mks_1, avg_logFC > 0)$gene, 50)
downGenes <- head(subset(mks_1, avg_logFC < 0)$gene, 50)
pt_1 <- volcano.plot(res = markers_1, upGenes = upGenes, downGenes = downGenes) + ggtitle("Ad1") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
markers_2 <- subset(markers, cluster == "Ad2")
mks_2 <- subset(markers_2, p_val_adj < 0.01)
mks_2 <- mks_2[order(mks_2$p_val_adj), ]
upGenes <- head(subset(mks_2, avg_logFC > 0)$gene, 50)
downGenes <- head(subset(mks_2, avg_logFC < 0)$gene, 50)
pt_2 <- volcano.plot(res = markers_2, upGenes = upGenes, downGenes = downGenes) + ggtitle("Ad2") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
markers_3 <- subset(markers, cluster == "Ad3")
mks_3 <- subset(markers_3, p_val_adj < 0.01)
mks_3 <- mks_3[order(mks_3$p_val_adj), ]
upGenes <- head(subset(mks_3, avg_logFC > 0)$gene, 50)
downGenes <- head(subset(mks_3, avg_logFC < 0)$gene, 50)
pt_3 <- volcano.plot(res = markers_3, upGenes = upGenes, downGenes = downGenes) + ggtitle("Ad3") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
markers_4 <- subset(markers, cluster == "Ad4")
mks_4 <- subset(markers_4, p_val_adj < 0.01)
mks_4 <- mks_4[order(mks_4$p_val_adj), ]
upGenes <- head(subset(mks_4, avg_logFC > 0)$gene, 50)
downGenes <- head(subset(mks_4, avg_logFC < 0)$gene, 50)
pt_4 <- volcano.plot(res = markers_4, upGenes = upGenes, downGenes = downGenes) + ggtitle("Ad4") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
markers_5 <- subset(markers, cluster == "Ad5")
mks_5 <- subset(markers_5, p_val_adj < 0.01)
mks_5 <- mks_5[order(mks_5$p_val_adj), ]
upGenes <- head(subset(mks_5, avg_logFC > 0)$gene, 50)
downGenes <- head(subset(mks_5, avg_logFC < 0)$gene, 50)
pt_5 <- volcano.plot(res = markers_5, upGenes = upGenes, downGenes = downGenes) + ggtitle("Ad5") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
ggarrange(pt_1, pt_2, pt_3, pt_4, pt_5, nrow = 2, ncol = 3, common.legend = TRUE)
########### Figure S2E ###########
dbs <- c("Jensen_TISSUES", "Mouse_Gene_Atlas")
genes_1 <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig2C_Markers_1.txt")
genes_2 <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig2C_Markers_2.txt")
genes_3 <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig2C_Markers_3.txt")
genes_4 <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig2C_Markers_4.txt")
genes_5 <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Fig2C_Markers_5.txt")
genes <- list(Ad1 = genes_1,
Ad2 = genes_2,
Ad3 = genes_3,
Ad4 = genes_4,
Ad5 = genes_5)
results <- lapply(genes, enrichr, dbs)
plotlist <- list()
pathlist <- NULL
tmplist <- NULL
paths <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(dbs)) {
tmp <- lapply(results, `[[`, i)
tmp <- mapply(cbind, tmp, "type" = names(tmp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tmp <- do.call("rbind", tmp)
tmp <- subset(tmp, Adjusted.P.value < 0.05)
tmp$Adjusted.P.value <- -log10(tmp$Adjusted.P.value)
tmp$Combined.Score <- log2(tmp$Combined.Score)
tmplist <- rbind(tmplist, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
if (dbs[i] == "WikiPathways_2019_Mouse" | dbs[i] == "GO_Biological_Process_2018") {
tmp$Term <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",as.character(tmp$Term))
tmp <- tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 5, wt = Combined.Score)
tmp$Term <- factor(tmp$Term, levels = rev(unique(tmp$Term)))
pathlist <- rbind(pathlist, data.frame(tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 2, wt = Combined.Score), class = dbs[i]))
paths <- rbind(paths, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
plotlist[[i]] <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x = type, y = Term)) +
geom_point(aes(size = Adjusted.P.value, color = Combined.Score)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
scale_colour_gradient(limits = c(0, max(tmp$Combined.Score) + 0.5), high = "#2b9348", low = "#eeef20") +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
ggtitle(dbs[i]) + labs(color = "Combined Score", size = "-log10(padj)")
tmplist <- tmplist %>% group_by(type) %>% arrange(desc(Combined.Score), .by_group = TRUE)
ggarrange(plotlist = plotlist)
########### Figure S2H ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
count_raw <- data@assays$SCT@counts[, rownames(data@meta.data)]
count_norm <- apply(count_raw, 2, function(x) (x/sum(x))*10000)
ort <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Orthologs_human_mouse.txt", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
mat <- merge(ort, count_norm, by.x = "Mouse.gene.name", by.y = "row.names")
mat$Mouse.gene.name <- mat$Gene.stable.ID <- mat$Mouse.gene.stable.ID <- NULL
colnames(mat)[1] <- "Gene"
anno <- data.frame(Cell = names(Idents(data)),
cluster = Idents(data), row.names = NULL)
write.table(mat, "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb/counts.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
write.table(anno, "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb/meta.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
## Python
cd /Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb
cellphonedb method statistical_analysis meta.txt counts.txt --threads=16 --counts-data=gene_name --pvalue=0.05 --iterations=1000
## Loading R packages
########### Figure S3A ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
data$timpoint <- gsub('4day', 'Cold', data$timpoint)
Idents(data) <- as.factor(data$timpoint)
markers_ColdxRT <- FindMarkers(data, ident.1 = "Cold", ident.2 = "RT", logfc.threshold = 0)
markers_ColdxRT$gene <- rownames(markers_ColdxRT)
markers_CLxRT <- FindMarkers(data, ident.1 = "CL", ident.2 = "RT", logfc.threshold = 0)
markers_CLxRT$gene <- rownames(markers_CLxRT)
data <- SeuratWrappers::RunALRA(data)
data <- ScaleData(data)
data2 <- subset(data, idents = c("Cold", "RT", "CL"))
top1 <- markers_ColdxRT %>% top_n(n = 50, wt = avg_logFC)
top2 <- markers_CLxRT %>% top_n(n = 50, wt = avg_logFC)
topGenes <- rbind(top1, top2)
cls <- c("blue", "red", "green")
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
DoHeatmap(data2, features = topGenes$gene, group.colors = cls, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Timepoint')
########### Figure S3B ###########
dbs <- c("KEGG_2019_Mouse", "WikiPathways_2019_Mouse", "Jensen_TISSUES", "GO_Biological_Process_2018")
genes_ColdxRT <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Diff_Adipocytes_ColdxRT.txt")
genes_CLxRT <- readLines("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Figures/update/Diff_Adipocytes_CLxRT.txt")
genes <- list(ColdxRT = genes_ColdxRT,
CLxRT = genes_CLxRT)
results <- lapply(genes, enrichr, dbs)
plotlist <- list()
pathlist <- NULL
tmplist <- NULL
paths <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(dbs)) {
tmp <- lapply(results, `[[`, i)
tmp <- mapply(cbind, tmp, "type" = names(tmp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tmp <- do.call("rbind", tmp)
tmp <- subset(tmp, Adjusted.P.value < 0.05)
tmp$Adjusted.P.value <- -log10(tmp$Adjusted.P.value)
tmp$Combined.Score <- log2(tmp$Combined.Score)
tmplist <- rbind(tmplist, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
if (dbs[i] == "GO_Biological_Process_2018") {
tmp$Term <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",as.character(tmp$Term))
tmp <- tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 5, wt = Combined.Score)
tmp$Term <- factor(tmp$Term, levels = rev(unique(tmp$Term)))
pathlist <- rbind(pathlist, data.frame(tmp %>% group_by(type) %>% top_n(n = 2, wt = Combined.Score), class = dbs[i]))
paths <- rbind(paths, data.frame(tmp, class = dbs[i]))
plotlist[[i]] <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x = type, y = Term)) +
geom_point(aes(size = Adjusted.P.value, color = Combined.Score)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 9) +
scale_colour_gradient(limits = c(0, max(tmp$Combined.Score) + 0.5), high = "#2b9348", low = "#eeef20") +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
ggtitle(dbs[i]) + labs(color = "Combined Score", size = "-log10(padj)")
tmplist <- tmplist %>% group_by(type) %>% arrange(desc(Combined.Score), .by_group = TRUE)
paths <- paths[which(paths$Term %in% c("PPAR signaling pathway", "Propanoate metabolism", "Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes", "Fatty acid biosynthesis", "Fatty acid degradation", "Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation", "PPAR signaling pathway WP2316", "Triacylglyceride Synthesis WP386", "Subcutaneous adipose tissue", "3T3-L1 cell", "Adipocyte", "long-chain fatty acid transport", "fatty acid transmembrane transport", "regulation of sequestering of triglyceride", "intracellular lipid transport")), ]
paths <- paths %>%
class_with_color = ifelse(class == "KEGG_2019_Mouse", glue("<strong><span style='color:#0000FF'>{Term}</span></strong>"),
ifelse(class == "WikiPathways_2019_Mouse", glue("<strong><span style='color:#f28804'>{Term}</span></strong>"),
ifelse(class == "Jensen_TISSUES", glue("<strong><span style='color:#CC0000'>{Term}</span></strong>"),
ifelse(class == "GO_Biological_Process_2018", glue("<strong><span style='color:#9900CC'>{Term}</span></strong>"),
glue("<strong><span style='color:#18a997'>{Term}</span></strong>")))))
paths <- paths %>% group_by(type) %>% arrange(desc(Combined.Score), .by_group = TRUE)
paths$class_with_color <- factor(paths$class_with_color, levels = rev(unique(paths$class_with_color)))
ggplot(paths, aes(x = type, y = class_with_color)) +
geom_point(aes(size = Adjusted.P.value, color = Combined.Score)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 8) +
scale_colour_gradient(limits = c(0, max(paths$Combined.Score) + 0.5), high = "#2b9348", low = "#eeef20") +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
ggtitle(NULL) + labs(color = "Combined Score", size = "-log10(padj)") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_markdown(), axis.text = element_text(size = 12))
########### Figure S3C ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- factor(data$timpoint)
data$cluster <- factor(new_cluster)
data <- SeuratWrappers::RunALRA(data)
data <- ScaleData(data, features = rownames(data))
## Fatty Acid Oxidation
genes1 <- c('Abcb11', 'Abcd1', 'Abcd2', 'Abcd3', 'Abcd4', 'Acaa1a', 'Acaa1b', 'Acaa2', 'Acacb', 'Acad11', 'Acadl', 'Acadm', 'Acads', 'Acadvl', 'Acat1', 'Acat2', 'Acat3', 'Acox1', 'Acox2', 'Acox3', 'Acoxl', 'Acsbg2', 'Acsl5', 'Adh4', 'Adh5', 'Adh7', 'Adipoq', 'Adipor1', 'Adipor2', 'Akt1', 'Akt2', 'Alox12', 'Appl2', 'Auh', 'Bdh2', 'C1qtnf2', 'C1qtnf9', 'Cd36', 'Cnr1', 'Cpt1a', 'Cpt2', 'Crat', 'Crot', 'Cygb', 'Cyp4v3', 'Cyp24a1', 'Dbi', 'Decr1', 'Dgat1', 'Dgat2', 'Echdc1', 'Echdc2', 'Echs1', 'Eci1', 'Eci2', 'Eci3', 'Ehhadh', 'Etfa', 'Etfb', 'Etfbkmt', 'Etfdh', 'Fabp1', 'Fabp3', 'Gcdh', 'Gm45753', 'Gm49387', 'Hacl1', 'Hadh', 'Hadha', 'Hadhb', 'Hao1', 'Hao2', 'Hsd17b4', 'Hsd17b10', 'Ilvbl', 'Irs1', 'Irs2', 'Ivd', 'Lep', 'Lonp2', 'Mapk14', 'Mfsd2a', 'Mir199a-2', 'Mir214', 'Mir696', 'Mlycd', 'Mtor', 'Nr4a3', 'Nucb2', 'Pdk4', 'Pex2', 'Pex5', 'Pex7', 'Pex13', 'Phyh', 'Plin5', 'Por', 'Ppara', 'Ppard', 'Pparg', 'Ppargc1a', 'Prkaa1', 'Scp2', 'Sesn2', 'Sirt4', 'Slc25a17', 'Slc27a2', 'Sox9', 'Twist1', 'Tysnd1')
genes1 <- genes1[genes1 %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes1, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression') + ggtitle('Fatty Acid Oxidation') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
genes2 <- c('4933405O20Rik', 'Aco1', 'Aco2', 'Cs', 'Csl', 'Dhtkd1', 'Dlat', 'Dlst', 'Fh1', 'Idh1', 'Idh2', 'Idh3a', 'Idh3b', 'Idh3g', 'Ireb2', 'Mdh1', 'Mdh1b', 'Mdh2', 'Ndufs4', 'Ogdh', 'Ogdhl', 'Pdha1', 'Pdha2', 'Pdhb', 'Sdha', 'Sdhaf2', 'Sdhb', 'Sdhc', 'Sdhd', 'Sucla2', 'Suclg1', 'Suclg2')
genes2 <- genes2[genes2 %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes2, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression') + ggtitle('Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## Fat Acid Transport
genes3 <- c('Abcc1', 'Abcc2', 'Abcc4', 'Abcd1', 'Abcd2', 'Abcd3', 'Abcd4', 'Ace', 'Acsl1', 'Acsl3', 'Acsl4', 'Acsl5', 'Acsl6', 'Agtr2', 'Akt1', 'Akt2', 'Anxa1', 'Apoe', 'Atp5j', 'Avpr1b', 'Bdkrb2', 'Cd36', 'Cpt1b', 'Crot', 'Cyp4f18', 'Drd2', 'Drd3', 'Drd4', 'Edn1', 'Eprs', 'Erfe', 'Fabp1', 'Fabp2', 'Fabp3', 'Fabp4', 'Fabp5', 'Hnf1a', 'Hrh2', 'Il1a', 'Il1b', 'Irs2', 'Kiss1r', 'Lep', 'Lhcgr', 'Map2k6', 'Mapk9', 'Mfsd2a', 'Mif', 'Nmb', 'Nmur2', 'Nos2', 'Ntsr1', 'Oc90', 'Oxt', 'P2rx7', 'P2ry2', 'Pla2g1b', 'Pla2g2c', 'Pla2g2d', 'Pla2g2e', 'Pla2g2f', 'Pla2g3', 'Pla2g4a', 'Pla2g4f', 'Pla2g5', 'Pla2g6', 'Pla2g10', 'Pla2g12a', 'Pla2g12b', 'Pla2r1', 'Plin2', 'Pnpla8', 'Pparg', 'Ptges', 'Repin1', 'Rps6kb1', 'Slc2a1', 'Slc5a8', 'Slc22a22', 'Slc25a17', 'Slc27a1', 'Slc27a2', 'Slc27a3', 'Slc27a4', 'Slc27a5', 'Slc27a6', 'Slco2a1', 'Slco3a1', 'Spx', 'Sstr4', 'Syk', 'Thbs1', 'Tnfrsf11a', 'Tnfsf11')
genes3 <- genes3[genes3 %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes3, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression') + ggtitle('Fat Acid Transport') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## Triglyceride/Fatty Acid Cycle
genes4 <- c('Aadac', 'Abhd5', 'Daglb', 'Pnpla2', 'Pck1', 'Pcx' , 'Gpd1', 'Slc2a4', 'Lipe', 'Adrb3')
genes4 <- genes4[genes4 %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes4, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression') + ggtitle('Triglyceride/Fatty Acid Cycle') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## de novo Lipogenesis
genes5 <- c('Acly', 'Acaca', 'Scd', 'Gpat', 'Dgat2', 'Fabp4', 'Fabp5', 'Fasn', 'Lpl', 'Pnpla5', 'Slc27a5', 'Srebf1', 'Acad9', 'Acsl3', 'Acsl5', 'Acss2', 'Elovl5', 'Elovl6', 'Hadh', 'Hao3', 'Hpgd', 'Insig1', 'Pcsk9', 'Sc5d', 'Ucp2', 'Gk2', 'Ces3', 'Ppap2a', 'Ppap2c')
genes5 <- genes5[genes5 %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes5, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% dplyr::select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% dplyr::select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'Expression') + ggtitle('de novo Lipogenesis') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
########### Figure S3H ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
count_raw <- data@assays$SCT@counts[, rownames(data@meta.data)]
count_norm <- apply(count_raw, 2, function(x) (x/sum(x))*10000)
ort <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Orthologs_human_mouse.txt", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
mat <- merge(ort, count_norm, by.x = "Mouse.gene.name", by.y = "row.names")
mat$Mouse.gene.name <- mat$Gene.stable.ID <- mat$Mouse.gene.stable.ID <- NULL
colnames(mat)[1] <- "Gene"
anno <- data.frame(Cell = names(Idents(data)),
cluster = Idents(data), row.names = NULL)
write.table(mat, "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb/counts.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
write.table(anno, "/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb/meta.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
## Python
cd /Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/cellphonedb
cellphonedb method statistical_analysis meta.txt counts.txt --threads=16 --counts-data=gene_name --pvalue=0.05 --iterations=1000
########### Figure S3I ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
data$timpoint <- gsub('4day', 'Cold', data$timpoint)
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
Idents(data) <- as.factor(data$timpoint)
data <- subset(data, cells = names(which(data$timpoint == 'CL' | data$timpoint == 'RT')))
DefaultAssay(data) <- "RNA"
mat <- data@assays$RNA@data
fdata <- data.frame(gene_short_name = rownames(data), row.names = rownames(data))
pdata <- data@meta.data
pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pdata)
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fdata)
cds <- newCellDataSet(as(mat, "dgCMatrix"),
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
expressionFamily = negbinomial.size())
rm(data, mat, fdata, pdata, fd, pd)
cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cds <- estimateDispersions(cds)
cds <- detectGenes(cds, min_expr = 0.1)
expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(cds), num_cells_expressed >= 10))
diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(cds[expressed_genes, ], fullModelFormulaStr = "~cluster", cores = 6, verbose = TRUE)
ordering_genes <- row.names(subset(diff_test_res, qval < 0.01))
cds <- setOrderingFilter(cds, ordering_genes)
cds <- reduceDimension(cds, max_components = 2, method = 'DDRTree', verbose = TRUE)
cds <- orderCells(cds)
cds <- orderCells(cds, root_state = 3)
plot_cell_trajectory(cds, color_by = "timpoint")
plot_cell_trajectory(cds, color_by="State", state_number_size = 1) + facet_wrap(~State)
plotMonocle(cds, c('Ucp1', 'Ppara', 'Dio2', 'Chst1', 'Plppr3', 'Nnat', 'Pim1', 'Adcy3', 'Cs'))
########### Figure S3J ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
data$timpoint <- gsub('4day', 'Cold', data$timpoint)
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
Idents(data) <- as.factor(data$timpoint)
data <- subset(data, cells = names(which(data$timpoint == 'Cold' | data$timpoint == 'RT')))
DefaultAssay(data) <- "RNA"
mat <- data@assays$RNA@data
fdata <- data.frame(gene_short_name = rownames(data), row.names = rownames(data))
pdata <- data@meta.data
pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pdata)
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fdata)
cds <- newCellDataSet(as(mat, "dgCMatrix"),
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
expressionFamily = negbinomial.size())
rm(data, mat, fdata, pdata, fd, pd)
cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cds <- estimateDispersions(cds)
cds <- detectGenes(cds, min_expr = 0.1)
expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(cds), num_cells_expressed >= 10))
diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(cds[expressed_genes, ], fullModelFormulaStr = "~cluster", cores = 6, verbose = TRUE)
ordering_genes <- row.names(subset(diff_test_res, qval < 0.01))
cds <- setOrderingFilter(cds, ordering_genes)
cds <- reduceDimension(cds, max_components = 2, method = 'DDRTree', verbose = TRUE)
cds <- orderCells(cds)
cds <- orderCells(cds, root_state = 4)
plot_cell_trajectory(cds, color_by = "timpoint")
plot_cell_trajectory(cds, color_by="State", state_number_size = 1) + facet_wrap(~State)
plotMonocle(cds, c('Ucp1', 'Ppara', 'Dio2', 'Ccdc80', 'Slc7a10', 'Tmem43', 'Adcy3', 'Perm1', 'Fabp3'))
## Loading R packages
########### Figure S4A ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
Idents(data) <- as.factor(data$timpoint)
data <- subset(data, cells = names(which(data$timpoint == '4day' | data$timpoint == 'RT' | data$timpoint == 'CL')))
Idents(data) <- data$cluster
data <- subset(data, idents = list('Ad1', 'Ad2', 'Ad5'))
plotList <- list()
genes <- c('Ppara', 'Dio2', 'Prdm16', 'Elovl3', 'Cox8b')
for (i in 1:length(genes)) {
data$gene <- factor(ifelse(data@assays$SCT@data[genes[i], ] > 0, "High", "Low"))
df <- data.frame(
class = c("Ad1", "Ad2", 'Ad5'),
n = c(sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad1'), sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad2'), sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad5')),
value = c(round((length(names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad1'])[names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad1']) %in% names(data$gene[which(data$gene == 'High')])])/sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad1'))*100, 2), round((length(names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad2'])[names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad2']) %in% names(data$gene[which(data$gene == 'High')])])/sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad2'))*100, 2), round((length(names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad5'])[names(data$cluster[data$cluster == 'Ad5']) %in% names(data$gene[which(data$gene == 'High')])])/sum(Idents(data) == 'Ad5'))*100, 2)))
df$class <- factor(df$class, levels = c("Ad1", "Ad2", "Ad5"))
df <- df %>%
arrange(desc(class)) %>%
mutate(text_y = cumsum(value) - value/2)
df$pos = (cumsum(c(0, df$value)) + c(df$value / 2, .01))[1:nrow(df)]
plotList[[i]] <- ggplot(df, aes(x = "", y = value, fill = class)) +
geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity", color = "white") +
coord_polar("y", start = 0)+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#11c78b", "#800080", "#dfdf0d")) +
theme_void() + labs(fill = "Clusters") +
geom_text_repel(aes(x = 1.5, y = pos, label = paste0(value, "%")), nudge_x = .1, segment.size = .7, show.legend = FALSE) +
ggarrange(plotlist = plotList)
########### Figure S4B ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
data <- subset(data, idents = list('Ad1'))
data <- ScaleData(data, features = rownames(data))
data$UCP1 <- factor(ifelse(data@assays$SCT@data["Ucp1", ] > 0, "High", "Low"))
Idents(data) <- data$UCP1
markers <- FindAllMarkers(data, logfc.threshold = 0, only.pos = FALSE)
markers <- subset(markers, p_val_adj < 0.05 & cluster == 'High')
markers <- markers[order(markers$avg_logFC, decreasing = TRUE), ]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
DoHeatmap(data, features = markers$gene, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 3)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression')
########### Figure S4C ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
data <- subset(data, idents = list('Ad1'))
tmp1 <- factor(ifelse(data@assays$SCT@data["Ucp1", ] > 0, "Ad1_High", "Ad1_Low"))
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
data <- subset(data, idents = list('Ad1'))
tmp2 <- as.character(Idents(data))
tmp3 <- names(Idents(data))
tmp2[which(tmp3 %in% names(tmp1[tmp1 == 'Ad1_High']))] <- 'Ad1_High'
tmp2[which(tmp3 %in% names(tmp1[tmp1 == 'Ad1_Low']))] <- 'Ad1_Low'
tmp <- as.factor(structure(tmp2, names = tmp3))
Idents(data) <- tmp
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
data <- SeuratWrappers::RunALRA(data)
data <- ScaleData(data, features = rownames(data))
genes <- c('Atp2a1', 'Atp2a2', 'Tmtc4', 'Adra1a', 'Arpc2')
genes <- genes[genes %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression') + ggtitle('SERCA2') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## Arginine/creatine and proline metabolism v
genes <- c('Slc6a8', 'Gatm', 'Gamt', 'Ckmt1', 'Ckmt2')
genes <- genes[genes %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression') + ggtitle('Arginine/creatine and proline metabolism v') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## Glycolytic process
genes <- c('Actn3', 'Adpgk', 'Aldoa', 'Aldoart1', 'Aldoart2', 'Aldob', 'Aldoc', 'App', 'Bpgm', 'Cbfa2t3', 'Ddit4', 'Dhtkd1', 'Eif6', 'Eno1', 'Eno1b', 'Eno2', 'Eno3', 'Eno4', 'Entpd5', 'Ep300', 'Esrrb', 'Fbp1', 'Foxk1', 'Foxk2', 'Gale', 'Galk1', 'Galt', 'Gapdh', 'Gapdhs', 'Gck', 'Gm3839', 'Gm10358', 'Gm11214', 'Gm12117', 'Gm15294', 'Gpd1', 'Gpi1', 'Hdac4', 'Hif1a', 'Hk1', 'Hk2', 'Hk3', 'Hkdc1', 'Htr2a', 'Ier3', 'Ifng', 'Igf1', 'Il3', 'Ins2', 'Insr', 'Jmjd8', 'Khk', 'Mif', 'Mlxipl', 'Mpi', 'Mtch2', 'Myc', 'Myog', 'Ncor1', 'Nupr1', 'Ogdh', 'Ogt', 'P2rx7', 'Pfkfb2', 'Pfkl', 'Pfkm', 'Pfkp', 'Pgam1', 'Pgam2', 'Pgk1', 'Pgk2', 'Pklr', 'Pkm', 'Ppara', 'Ppargc1a', 'Prkaa1', 'Prkaa2', 'Prkag2', 'Prkag3', 'Prxl2c', 'Psen1', 'Sirt6', 'Slc2a6', 'Slc4a1', 'Slc4a4', 'Stat3', 'Tigar', 'Tkfc', 'Tpi1', 'Trex1', 'Zbtb7a', 'Zbtb20')
genes <- genes[genes %in% rownames(data)]
mapal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)
ht1 <- DoHeatmap(data, features = genes, angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression')
y <- ht1$data %>% drop_na()
x <- y %>% group_by(Identity) %>% select(Feature, Cell, Identity, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Feature, value = Expression)
w <- y %>% select(Feature, Cell, Expression) %>%
spread(key = Cell, value = Expression) %>% column_to_rownames("Feature") %>% as.matrix()
pt <- Heatmap(w, cluster_columns = FALSE)
DoHeatmap(data, features = rownames(w)[row_order(pt)], angle = 0, size = 5, label = FALSE, group.by = 'cluster') +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(mapal)) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) +
labs(color = 'UCP1 Expression') + ggtitle('Glycolytic Process') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
########### Figure S4G ###########
data <- readRDS("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/output/10x/Adipocytes.rds")
infos <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/SCCAF/AdipocytesOnly/results/obs.csv")
ort <- read.table("/Users/biagi/PhD/Adipocyte/Orthologs_human_mouse.txt", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
new_cluster <- infos$L1_result
names(new_cluster) <- rownames(infos)
new_cluster <- new_cluster + 1
new_cluster <- paste0("Ad", new_cluster)
new_cluster <- as.factor(new_cluster)
Idents(data) <- new_cluster
data$cluster <- Idents(data)
data <- subset(data, idents = list('Ad1'))
data <- ScaleData(data, features = rownames(data))
data$UCP1 <- factor(ifelse(data@assays$SCT@data["Ucp1", ] > 0, "High", "Low"))
Idents(data) <- data$UCP1
genes <- unique(c('SLC4A4', 'TXNIP', 'HADHB', 'HADHA', 'ITPR1', 'ATP6V1H', 'ESRRA', 'ETFDH', 'EGLN1', 'SLC25A42', 'NEAT1', 'ATXN2', 'SLC25A20', 'SUCLA2', 'HADHB', 'HADHA', 'SF3B2', 'UHRF1BP1L', 'COL27A1', 'PANK1', 'TECPR1', 'TOMM40', 'SLC20A2', 'AKAP1', 'ABCD3', 'EHHADH', 'TOB2', 'DEPTOR', 'PDK4', 'ITPR1', 'CNTNAP1', 'SIRT3', 'WDR91', 'CS', 'LRRC39', 'UHRF1BP1L', 'ESRRA', 'RBPMS', 'ACO2', 'KCNK3', 'GPD2', 'ATP1A2', 'ANK2', 'SDC4', 'FGD4', 'PKN1', 'RBPMS', 'HK2', 'PKM'))
genes <- ort$Mouse.gene.name[which(ort$Gene.name %in% genes)]
genes <- genes[genes %in% rownames(data)]
tabHigh <- as.matrix(data@assays$SCT@data[genes, names(data$UCP1)[which(data$UCP1 == 'High')]])
tabLow <- as.matrix(data@assays$SCT@data[genes, names(data$UCP1)[which(data$UCP1 == 'Low')]])
df <- data.frame(High = rowSums(tabHigh), Low = rowSums(tabLow))
df <- t(df)
x <- as.matrix(df)
m = apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
s = apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
res <- (x - m)/s
cn = colnames(res)
ba <- HeatmapAnnotation(
text = anno_text(cn, rot = 0, location = unit(0.9, "npc"), just = "centre", gp = gpar(fontsize = 3)),
annotation_height = max_text_width(cn)
breaks <- seq(-2,2, by= 0.1)
bottom_annotation = ba,
name = "zscore", column_title = "Ad1 UCP1 Targets TF High", width = 1,
show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = TRUE,
col = colorRamp2(breaks, colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 10, name = "RdBu")))(41)),
heatmap_height = unit(6, "cm"), row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))
genes <- unique(c('ACSL1', 'CIDEC', 'SLC1A5', 'RETN', 'FASN', 'ADRB3', 'ABCC5', 'SH3PXD2A', 'NRIP1', 'FASN', 'SLC1A5', 'XIST', 'ACSL1', 'SH3PXD2A', 'ABCC5', 'ACACA', 'GHR', 'SH3PXD2A', 'SORBS1', 'MAPK6'))
genes <- ort$Mouse.gene.name[which(ort$Gene.name %in% genes)]
genes <- genes[genes %in% rownames(data)]
tabHigh <- as.matrix(data@assays$SCT@data[genes, names(data$UCP1)[which(data$UCP1 == 'High')]])
tabLow <- as.matrix(data@assays$SCT@data[genes, names(data$UCP1)[which(data$UCP1 == 'Low')]])
df <- data.frame(High = rowSums(tabHigh), Low = rowSums(tabLow))
df <- t(df)
x <- as.matrix(df)
m = apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
s = apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
res <- (x - m)/s
cn = colnames(res)
ba <- HeatmapAnnotation(
text = anno_text(cn, rot = 0, location = unit(0.9, "npc"), just = "centre", gp = gpar(fontsize = 8)),
annotation_height = max_text_width(cn)
breaks <- seq(-2,2, by= 0.1)
bottom_annotation = ba,
name = "zscore", column_title = "Ad1 UCP1 Targets TF Low", width = 1,
show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = TRUE,
col = colorRamp2(breaks, colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 10, name = "RdBu")))(41)),
heatmap_height = unit(6, "cm"), row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))